Homeschooling Saints - Episode 143

 Some of our kids would rather take a nap than write anything, while others dream of becoming authors! These two extremes can challenge us to create opportunities for writing growth that suit our children well. Cheri Blomquist is here to talk about a useful concept for your homeschool: Writing at the Extremes!

Find Cheri Blomquist:

Cheri’s YA book review website:

Homeschool Connections offers a full slate of writing courses from 3rd to 12th grade that fit Cheri's criteria for an excellent writing program. And, they're Catholic! You can learn more at or by emailing

From Cheri: If your children love to write, they may want a chance to give voice to their work—to go “on stage”.  Although writing is a solitary art, there are ways for your children to find an audience.  Here are a few they might enjoy [but please carefully vet them]:

Magazines that accept contributions from children and teens:

o        The Milking Cat (
o        New Moon Girls (
o        Polyphony Lit (
o        Stone Soup (
o        Teen Ink (
o        The Weight Journal (

Online platforms/associations:
o        NaNoWriMo Young Writer’s Program (
o        Underlined (
o        Write the World (
o        Young Eager Writers (
o        Young Writers, Inc. (
o        Young Writer’s Project (
o        Young Writer’s Society (


Thank you to the following contributors who made this podcast possible:

Our Sponsor

Homeschooling Saints Theme Music Composed by Taylor Kirkwood

Intro voice Dave Palmer radio personality and author of St. Thomas Aquinas for Everyone

Our host Lisa Mladinich


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