Homeschooling Saints - Episode 116

 As Catholic homeschoolers, we want our children to develop relationships with the saints as role models and friends. However, not everyone who lived a life of heroic virtue has been formally canonized by the Church, so we might have to dig a little deeper to study their fascinating and inspiring lives. My guest, today, the Miracle Hunter himself, Michael O’Neill, is here to tell us about his new book, They Might Be Saints!


Find Michael O’Neill:


Michael’s new book:


More of Michael’s books:


Michael’s “They Might Be Saints” TV Show here:


Television: 'They Might Be Saints' Fridays 11:30 am and 5 pm ET (EWTN)

Radio: The Miracle Hunter (with a Might be Saint of the Day segment) on EWTN Radio show - Saturdays 1 and 7pm ET

Facebook: @theymightbesaints

Twitter: @MightBeSaints


Today’s Short Feature: Aquinas for Everyone, with Dave Palmer

Topic: The Different Kinds of Virtues

Contact: Dave's Facebook page for A Way a Day:

Dave's Facebook page for St. Thomas for Everyone:

Thank you to the following contributors who made this podcast possible:

Our Sponsor

Homeschooling Saints Theme Music Composed by Taylor Kirkwood

Intro voice Dave Palmer radio personality and author of St. Thomas Aquinas for Everyone

Our host Lisa Mladinich


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