Homeschooling Saints - Episode 81

 When people hear the term, Unschooling, they very often experience a moment of confusion. How can you be a home educator, they wonder, if you’re not schooling? Veteran homeschooler Patrice Jennings is here to discuss a really fun topic: Unschooling: It’s Not What You Think!


Resources Patrice recommends:

Life of Fred:

Math Start:

Sir Ci (can be found many places)

Mathematicians Are People, Too (Volumes I and II)


Graphic Classics



Today's Short Feature: Books & Blessings, A.J. Catttapan

Topic: The King's Prey, by Susan Peek



Thank you to the following contributors who made this podcast possible:

Our Sponsor

Homeschooling Saints Theme Music Composed by Taylor Kirkwood

Intro voice Dave Palmer radio personality and author of St. Thomas Aquinas for Everyone

Our host Lisa Mladinich


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